Sharon sent me an picture she took of a fabric swatch from her nursery bedding, which I then used to create the background of this baby shower invitation. I love her colors, and how they fit so well with the "red thread" quote.
My name is Ashley, actually. I'm a wife and mom, back to work full time at a wonderful public library. I enjoy graphic design projects, and I love to read, mostly juvenile fiction and poetry. My first-born daughter is a creative, lively junior high student. My husband is a great dad, who left full time youth ministry to be a stay-at-home dad for a couple of years before going back to work part time at an adoption agency. We met our second daughter, Hannah Li, in China on Christmas Eve 2006 and adopted her during an amazing trip. We met our baby boy Will the night he was born summer of 2008 and adopted him later that fall. I hope someday to write a children's book.